Friday, May 20, 2011

Tourny details

Tournament will be a 4 vs 4 and will be played on half court. Unique thing about this tourny is that we will have a draft. If you are chosen to be a captain, you better know your players.

How does the draft work? there will be six chosen captains, each captain will write his name down and throw it in a box and whoever name is called 1st will be given the 6th selection of the draft and 2nd will have the 5th selection and so on...
once the capt. who has the 6th selection is done picking his player, he picks again and the selection process will go back to who picked 5th thru 1st (hope its not confusing) and it will continue the same process until the last player is picked.

How many team and players? there will be 6 teams with only 4 players on each team.

What is the entry fee? entry fee is $20 per player. please pay asap to reserve your spot.                      

need more info? please contact Eric at

What will the prize be? Winner take all cash prize! o' yeah and a team bragging rights trophy.

What are the rules? There will not be refs at this tournament. Please use sound judgement and if there is a    call dispute, just shoot for the rock. Fights will not be tolerated and will cause your team to be kicked off from further play. Please see your capt. for further game rules details.

This will be a Round Robin tournament setup. Meaning every team will play each team once. from there on out will have the seeding for the tournament. Top 2 teams will have a bye and will advance to the 2nd round. Every team makes the tournament. If two teams are tied in wins and losses, it will then be based of point differential.

When and where will this tournament take place? We are looking into June 20th or June 27th but will let you know when I get that info. Place of tournament will be annouced on Draft day.

When is Draft day? Draft day will be tbd....


  1. Let's get it started already!,,,

  2. You should get some waivers signed from all these old people just to be safe..... Sincerley G-FUNK

  3. I know. By the way aarp is sponsoring RED RED RED. They have some old darts on that team

  4. Red red red are yall comin out with your walkers?

  5. Hey I dont think the preagnant guy on passion should play it gets pretty physical, wouldnt want any harm done to the baby...

  6. Yo Irvin theres no strippin in basketball, u sure u want in....

  7. Wait till I play gordo ill show him physical lol

  8. Gordo you've done it to

  9. lets try to get this tourney done early so all these kids can be home by curfew
    Or you lilones can ask your mommies to stay out a lil later since its summer

  10. Bravehearts scare me!!! do we have to play them???

  11. wher is Frank da Fixer????

  12. who takes claudio over pat?? wher is frank da fixer??

  13. How's that Achilles gordo? Hopefully it holds up...close sources are saying that the captain of the brave hearts has lost all confidence in his team, due to uncertainy of the players commitment. From rotoWire

  14. Red red red are just a bunch of wanna be studio gangsters...

  15. Extra extra read all about it! Brave hearts will not win this tournament. This totally different team from years past. The captains confidence is shaky and quite frankly everybody on this team is shaky! You will not win! They just a bunch of paper chumps!

  16. Eric thinks he has a super star in beto cuz he wore a cinci jersey the other night...

  17. Breakin news the new achilles gordo had put in is state of the art, it will make him float like butter fly sting like a bee and fly like superman!!! AMAZINGGGG!!!!
    Statements were released by the doctor...

  18. After the tournament we will have a crane lift a fountain to the top of paulys belly so we can all use it like the bubble up lol

  19. This is your teacher speakin homework for the weekend is easy, you are to go home and watch braveheart so yall can try to mimic the intensity and heart that the bravehearts will be bringing on monday. Maybe not so easy...

  20. This achilles is whats gonna have deez nuts on your chin

  21. Everybody look out for pats eyes hes been drinkin carrot juice, since thats the only thing that will be moving come game day

  22. This is no surprise, everyone loves to hate the champs. Wouldn't want it any other way. I love it- ELVIS

  23. Does anyone kno who his performing at half time? if we need someone we can ask EXPOSE A

  24. Zzzzzzzzzzz........
